European Education Consultants Ltd

Full information about Establishment European Education Consultants Ltd at 71 Lords Stile La, Bolton, England BL7 9JY. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


71 Lords Stile La, Bolton, England BL7 9JY
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+44 1204 300944



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European Education Consultants Ltd

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European Education Consultants - Welcome
European Education Consultants provide software support in the school and authority management of Health and Safety, for nursery, primary, infant, junior, middle, secondary, college, university, foundation, private and public schools and colleges within the United Kingdom and Eire and all English speaking countries for their own schools and English schools abroad. All the software is provided on-line. The Risk Assessment/ Management module covers every aspect of educational life allowing risk to
European Education Consultants, school management of Health and Safety, nursery school, primary school, infant school, junior school, middle school, secondary school, foundation school, private school, public school, colleges, university, universities, United Kingdom, English speaking countries, English schools abroad. Curriculum assessment, school administration, special educational needs, SEN, safety plans, ICT, COSHH, fire, Ofsted, medical, security, violence, caretaking, National off-site visits an

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